Day 6: The Fastest Pasta You’ll Ever Make

You’ll be able to eat this nearly as fast as it takes to cook. Yes, I know you are so tired of hearing about my hanger. The truth is, I need to bring snacks everywhere I go. Every time I leave the house and convince myself I won’t be hungry…an angel dies. I get really funny when I am quite hungry, especially since I get mad at nearly everything. If someone talks to me, if someone looks at me, heck if anyone even acknowledges my existence. If you know me at all, you’ll know exactly what I mean. At this point, it’s become a part of my persona.
The Breakdown: It was a particularly sunny, and pleasant day. You finished work early, grabbed the usual cortado, and decided to take yourself on a trip to Target (always a dangerous move). While perusing the aisles, everything starts to look similar and you realize you have been wandering aimlessly for way too long. You get to the checkout and it hits- you’re stupid hungry (so hungry your mind fails to work rationally). Instead of grabbing a snack at the checkout, you decide to get to the car and start driving in the dizzyingly mad state you are in. Everything afterward is a blur…minus well, your boyfriend trying to take you to several food places and you offensively refusing. There’s one thing on your mind. Pasta al pomodoro with mushrooms, of course.
What You’ll Need:
- Spaghetti
- Tomato puree (1 can)
- Mushrooms
- Evoo
- S+P
Step 1: Pot, Water, Highest heat possible.
Obviously, I do not have to explain how to boil water for pasta. I just needed to say salt your pasta water. If you don’t I happily proclaim you as the bane of my existence.
Step 2: Hot pan, Glug, Shrooms, Puree.
Again, it’s very self explanatory. I like to cook these down until they’re golden brown on each side. They bring a glamorous umami when just right. When they’re cooked through, pour the puree over top, and season to taste. Add any herbage you wish.
Step 3: Al dente, Sauce & Shine.
Make sure to reserve some pasta water (~1 cup). Cook the pasta for 2 minutes under the lowest number on the package. No, you’re not eating hard pasta, we’ll be finishing it in the sauce. Drain the pasta (or add it direct via a spider/tongs) and add to the sauteé pan with the mushroom puree. Lightly incorporate, adding pasta water along the way until it shines. Plate, finish with some fresh evoo, fresh ground black pepper, and even a dash of flaky salt.
You do not need exquisite ingredients nor money to make good food. All you need is technique, and simplicity will always reign supreme. This dish encapsulates just that. So simple, so fast, yet so rewarding.
Thanks for reading, it means so much to be able to share my food with you all.
🥰 Lil